(Update: We have removed the actual calculator for technical reasons, and are looking to implement a new solution soon).
TV Cord Cutting – the act of cancelling expensive TV packages and moving to online streaming services such as Netflix, can save you a lot of money. Instead of paying for all those channels you never watch, you only pay for the ones you do – and have the flexibility of cancelling and adding channels À la carte every month.
This calculator will help you figure out how much money you can save by ditching the likes of Sky TV / Virgin TV / BT, etc’ – and moving to an On-Line, On-Demand world of choices.
Remember, though – it’s not just about saving money directly over the bundles the TV companies might offer you – in fact, sometimes the TV companies will be so aggressive with their offerings, your monthly payment might even be a bit lower (when considering the price of broadband, which is usually part of the bundle.) But there’s a big catch – you always need to sign year-long (and sometimes longer) contracts, so you have no flexibility over your monthly pay.
No time to watch a lot of TV this month? Going on holiday? By being a cord cutter, you just cancel the services you don’t need – for a month, for a year, whatever time-span you want. Done with all the interesting shows on Netflix? Cancel it. A new season of The Crown just came up? Resubscribe. That flexibility is not just convenient, but can save you a lot of money throughout the year – so remember that when you make direct price comparisons.
How To Use The Cord Cutting Calculator
First, enter your current bill with your media company. In most cases, the bill will include Broadband, Phone Line Rental, and a TV package (Some bundles also include a mobile phone line.)
In the second field, strip down the cost of paying for Broadband and Line Rental ONLY (or just broadband – though only a few companies, such as Virgin, even offer a Broadband-only service without a landline phone.)
We’ve provided some common prices, but you can also check current Broadband Deals from Virgin Media via this link, and Broadband Deals from Plusnet via this link.
Finally, tick the streaming TV services you think you’re going to start with, and you can add the monthly cost for other, less common services, which are not on this list (such as Amazon Channels.)
Then, you’ll get that magic number – how much are going to save each month, by becoming a Cord Cutter.
(What about the TV Licence? These days, even cord cutters need to pay the TV Licence, unless they don’t watch ANY live TV and ANY content on the BBC iPlayer. So we take the £150.50 TV Licence as a given. Read more about it here.)
Want to become a TV Cord Cutter? Read our guide right here.