Virgin Media Drops TNT Sports From All Its TV Bundles

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In a move that has left many sports enthusiasts scratching their heads, Virgin Media has announced that it will no longer include TNT Sports in any of its TV bundles.

Until last week, TNT Sports – formerly known as BT Sport – was a staple in some of Virgin Media’s packages, but new customers will now have to add it as a paid add-on.

Existing customers are exempt for now – but they will face the same changes once their current contract expires and they choose to renew, or if they make any other changes to their existing bundle (see full details below).

As expected, some of Virgin Media’s customers have taken to social media to complain, when they discovered they will have to pay more for something that was – until recently – included in their package.

According to Virgin Media, these changes are meant to “simplify” their broadband and TV offers, giving customers more choice on whether to add TNT Sports or not.

With these new terms, however, some Virgin Media subscribers are better off signing up for TNT Sports in different ways – read ahead for more on that.

The Rise Of TNT Sports

TNT Sports presenters on TV

TNT Sports, previously known as BT Sport, emerged from a merger between BT Sport and Eurosport, a well-established French sports TV network that is now owned by Warner Bros. Discovery.

The rebranding aimed to consolidate the TV and streaming rights of both services under the umbrella of Discovery+, and it officially launched in July 2023.

TNT Sports (now with Eurosport), now holds the rights for a long list of sporting events – from the thrill of the UEFA Champions League and Premier League matches to the excitement of Premiership Rugby and Champions Cup.

Other global sports events like UFC, WWE, Boxing, Roland-Garros, the Tour de France, and the exclusive pay TV broadcast rights for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 will also be part of the lineup.

TNT Sports has welcomed several high-profile new additions to its presenting team, including Laura Woods, a two-time winner of the SJA British Sports Journalism Awards Sports Presenter of the Year.

TNT Sports collage

The pricing model for TNT Sports has remained consistent with its predecessor, BT Sport, at £29.99/month for standalone subscribers (that is – without a pay-TV subscription like Sky or Virgin Media) – but those £29.99 now also include a Discovery+ subscription, so you get Discovery’s entertainment and lifestyle content, along with Eurosport and TNT Sports.

Virgin Media’s TV Offers Explained

Virgin Media is a major player in the UK’s TV and broadband landscape, offering a range of packages that pair fast fibre broadband with an extensive selection of channels.

One of the standout features of Virgin Media is its high-speed broadband, offering speeds ranging from 54Mbps to 1130Mbps. The service is delivered through your home broadband connection, eliminating the need for a satellite dish.

Virgin Media van
Photo: Deposit Photos / Peter Fleming

For those who want to get TV add-ons via Virgin Media, the company offers pre-selected bundles, known as Big bundles and Bigger bundles, which include a variety of channels and services.

These bundles normally come with the Virgin TV 360 box, equipped with functions like voice search and control, personalised recommendations, and 1TB of storage for recordings.

With more than 230 channels, including Freeview, some of Sky’s channels and more, Virgin Media stands as one of the largest TV providers in the UK – however, like other pay-TV companies – it’s not cheap.

Last year, Virgin Media also launched its Stream box – which offers contract-free TV, which is delivered via streaming.

Virgin Media Stream hero collage
Virgin Media Stream

However, unlike Sky’s competing service (Sky Stream), Virgin Media’s Stream only works with Virgin Media’s broadband – so it’s not truly a standalone product.

The Unbundling Of TNT Sports From Virgin Media Packages

Virgin Media’s decision to remove TNT Sports from its TV bundles has been met with a mixture of surprise and disappointment among its customer base.

The announcement came without much fanfare, leaving many subscribers scrambling to understand the implications for their viewing habits and monthly bills – especially those who are facing a renewal of their contract.

Until recently, TNT Sports was included in several of Virgin Media’s TV bundles, offering a convenient and cost-effective way for sports fans to access a wide range of sporting events.

The inclusion of TNT Sports was seen as a significant value addition, making Virgin Media’s bundles, which also included Sky Sports, highly attractive to sports enthusiasts – at least compared to some of the competing pay-TV offers.

With the recent changes, TNT Sports will no longer be part of any Virgin Media TV bundles, including the “Maxit” bundle, which has been renamed the “Mega” bundle, and now no longer includes TNT Sports (but does include Sky Sports).

For new customers, this means they will have to opt for TNT Sports as a separate, paid add-on if they wish to access the channel’s content.

The add-on comes at an additional cost – currently £18/month – effectively raising the price of what was once a bundled service.

TNT Sports collage

For existing customers, the situation is a bit more complex. They will continue to have access to TNT Sports until their current contract expires.

However, once the contract is up for renewal, they will find that TNT Sports is no longer included in their package and will have to decide whether to add it back at the extra cost.

But as always, customers should try and haggle with Virgin Media – and they may get a better offer for TNT Sports.

Virgin Media Stream customers won’t see any difference – since TNT Sports was always an optional, paid add-on on Stream.

And, it’s even cheaper on Stream, at least as of this writing – at just £10/month.

Virgin Media’s Response

A Virgin Media spokesperson told Cord Busters: “We are simplifying our broadband and TV packages to make it easier for customers to find a great-value plan that suits their needs.

“Existing customers will not see their package change as a result of these bundle updates unless they make a change to their services and agree a new deal with us.

“Should existing customers want to alter their package, we’re happy to review their options to ensure they can enjoy a great-value plan that suits their needs.”

29 thoughts on “Virgin Media Drops TNT Sports From All Its TV Bundles”

  1. As a fully paid up independent member of Prime for some years through why cannot I access European league football via Virginmedia

  2. “Simplifying the packages” is the last thing they’ve done! It’s so complex to find a matching package to what I have now and I always re-negotiate to get the “new customer” deal.

    It’s hard for them to even show anything with the 1Gig broadband. It feels like a lot of this is hidden away and a really poor user interface. Whoever designed the products should be looking for a new job!

  3. this is what has changed – i work for virgin.

    ultimate package has 1000>500 speed reduction , no bt sports ultimate , and no second tv box . price for adding on is 18bt, 6speed, 10 box2. total £34

    • Hi,

      What doe the below mean sorry:
      18bt, 6speed, 10 box2. total £34

      Also why has VM changed their packages seems getting less for paying more wth – Does seem very good or a good deal anymore tbf!

    • They have a number you can WhatsApp (id have to dig it out), I’ve kept the price down without actually “speaking” to them for a few years now. I can see the new packages have come down a few quid in price after the TNT removal so I’d imagine most could keep much the same price during the annual negotiations

  4. Is it Liberty aka Virgin causing the problems. Warner/discovery may be the problem. Not the first of their channels to disappear from VM. I was on a rolling contract but they offered a reduction of £25 if I signed up to a new contract so I guess I have TNT for a good while longer

  5. Total agreement with all comments,virgin are all about money,money,and for wi-fi I was told I had 1gb internet and when I check the download it’s no were near 1gb

    • you won’t get 1gbps over wifi, you should via ethernet cable. I’m not familiar with the VM Hub provided with the 1gbps connections but I’d be surprised if it’s capable of pushing 1 gig wifi – you’ll likely need you buy your own and obviously being wifi, lots of other factors can affect your speed test results.

  6. I have given notice to quit vigin media,its worse than going to the dentist,still awaiting conformation from them,have now sent letter.Now there charging more will look at other providers as we only use the service 8 months of year.Anybody got any ideas

    • I have noticed a lot of channels are disappearing but they are not giving a reduction for the loss of channels people are paying for.i will be changing my provider as sky are doing more channels for half the price and no need for a dish

  7. I renewed my contract after several calls was offered tnt at a cheaper price to package due to a £20 rolling credit added to not moan negotiate

  8. It’s probably the only non-freeview live TV that’s watched in this house, no reason to have the TV package without it. . .which in turn means I no longer feel tied to their coax broadband deals as we do have FTTP available. Mmmm interesting times come next attempted price hike

  9. TNT Sport new name same content as BT Sport they advertised. Wrong they have dropped NCAA football.and basketball from the channels.

    This is just another excuse to get the customer to pay more. Simplifying the packages what a load of rubbish. There are loads of channels that people have in a bundle and don’t watch. It’s simple greed.

  10. Last renewal was very close in price between virgin and sky it was only the fact that virgin included by sport that swings the deal to virgin. Looking closer to moving to sky next

  11. Another cheap ploy to fleece the British public even more, being forced to take an O2 SIM card I’ll never use for £25 is sickening enough, I won’t be renewing my package.

    • Phil, if you are within your 14day cooling off period and already have an O2 SIM you can phone up virgin and give them your existing O2 number with volt benefits, and then cancel the £25 SIM. People are saying you can’t but I did it 5 months ago.

    • o2 is now separated , i just cancelled o2 sim within 14 days and saved £25/month , this was 16 months ago , no impact on any tv services. had the lot sports tnt sports all movies 2 360 boxes £80/month… deal ever had from virgin in 20 years but contract up next month , could be interesting.

  12. VM are really unfair. I’d like a Stream box for the bedroom but because I have a TV package with them I’m not allowed. I only want basic Freeview channels plus a few extras but they don’t offer that. I have to have their cheapest package that has channels I’m not interested in. Freeview through aerial is poor here. Come on VM listen to your customers and stop just thinking about ££££

  13. Virgin are ignoring the fact the 1gb broadband doesn’t exist on a package. The highest is 500mb and on the highest package it costs you a £6 premium per month and the 2nd box costs a extra £5 a month shocking


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