Freeview’s Heir Freely Hits 70K Hours As UKTV Joins
UKTV joins Freely: streaming platform expands with ‘U’ channels, boosting content to 70,000 hours. But Challenges remain for Freeview successor
UKTV joins Freely: streaming platform expands with ‘U’ channels, boosting content to 70,000 hours. But Challenges remain for Freeview successor
Toshiba joins Freely TV lineup with new affordable 4K models. Explore the latest expansion of UK’s free streaming platform and its current limitations
Panasonic launches Freely-compatible TVs in UK: New 4K models now available, starting at £449, supporting the new broadband-based Freeview heir
New history channel ‘That’s Memories’ launches July 1 on Freeview, Freely, Sky and Virgin Media, offering diverse content from true crime to music documentaries
Freely, the UK’s free-to-stream TV service, expands to Toshiba, Sharp, Panasonic, and Metz Smart TVs. Can this boost help it become Freeview’s heir?
Freely TV aims to replace Freeview but falls short for now, with limited channels and devices. Our wishlist for the free service looks at needed improvements
Bush Freely TVs quietly launch on Argos, expanding the Freeview successor’s reach. Vestel-made sets offer affordable access to the new UK TV platform
Freely launches a cab campaign in London, Birmingham, and Manchester, giving residents a chance to win a Freely-enabled Hisense TV
Ofcom report proposes significant changes to Freeview’s future as viewers shift to streaming, with three potential paths: upgrade, downgrade, or phase out.
Freely, the new broadband TV service, signals the end of TV recording in the UK as Freeview recorders fade away. But are we going to miss it?
Hisense’s 2024 TVs with Freely support are now available in UK stores after brief delay. Here’s what you need to know about the
U8N, U7N, U6N, and E7N PRO models
Freely’s full streaming channel list revealed: Limited launch lineup from BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, and STV will disappoint early adopters